About Us


The Maryland Good Sam Club and its member chapters are among the millions of recreation enthusiasts who contribute more than $132 billion* to the economy on trip-related spending.

The RV Industry Association estimates that 25 million Americans go RVing every year, with about 12 percent using motorized RVs and 88 percent towing their RV.

As a Good Sam State Club, we are dedicated to the ideals of Good Sam's objective: is to stimulate a greater interest and development of the principles of good camping, ecological awareness, kindness for our fellow human beings and all wildlife throughout the world.

Good Sam members pledge to give aid to others in need, respect nature and the environment, give back to the community and those less fortunate, treat others with dignity and respect, and to wear a smile.

Perhaps naturalist John Muir once said it best, "In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks."

*"The Outdoor Recreation Economy" published by the Outdoor Industry Association

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Maryland Good Sam Staff

State Directors Frank and Marie Watkins

Treasurer Gerri Watkins

Secretary Tara

Historian Frank Watkins

Wagon Master

Facilities Raymond Jones

Immediate Past Directors: Bob Klingberg

Webmaster/Social Media: Kathryn Schneider Sosbe

Good Sam Charities

Dogs for Better Lives: Good Sam Club members have always had a soft spot for dogs, and it's not uncommon to find our four-legged companions riding up front in the family RV. Over the years, chapters have raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for this favored charity. These contributions help Dogs for Better Lives to spare the lives of shelter dogs, train them and place them free of charge with people with physical and emotional challenges. Learn more about Dogs for Better Lives.

Adopt-a-Park: Members volunteer to take on tasks such as planting new gardens, maintaining existing landscape, building overhead shelters, cleaning up debris, manning information booths and much more.

Adopt-a-Highway: Nearly 10,000 volunteer Good Sam Chapter members have helped clean up more than 500 miles of highway in the United States and Canada through the Adopt-A-Highway program. If you are interested in volunteering simply click on a state/province above to contact a Good Sam State/Provincial Director.