


1. To Promote and Support the Good Sam Club

2. To Abide by the Constitution and By-Laws of the Good Sam Club

3. Have a State Committee composed of Chapter Presidents.

4. State Committee will have two (2) meetings a year.

5. Chapter President or a representative is required to attend at least two (2) meetings to be a Chapter in good standing. If a Chapter does not meet the requirements, they will be given a warning that their Chapter is in jeopardy of losing their Charter.

6. The State Director is appointed as stated in the Good Sam Club Constitution and By-Laws

7. The Treasurer will be elected by the Committee for a two (2) year term. On opposite years of the Director.

8. The Treasurers responsibilities are:

· Maintain custody of all funds, securities, and assets

· Maintain full and accurate accounts of all receipts and disbursements

· Prepare a financial report for all meetings

· Any expenses above the ($300) allowance must be approved by the State Committee

· Prepare and distribute quarterly itemized financial reports to Director

· Serve as election Chairperson to facilitate the Director Election process.

9. The Director will appoint other officers as needed for a one (1) year term

10. Any Changes to this SOP must be submitted to the Director in writing at least two (2) weeks prior to the meeting, to be included in the agenda of the next meeting.

· The proposed change will be sent out ten (10) days prior to the meeting it will be voted on

· To pass the changes there must be approval of three-fourths (3/4) of the Committee members present

· The SOP and changes must be sent to Regional Director for approval

APPROVED On 10/29/15

By the Mid Atlantic Regional Director